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Modify Delete Reply Write List ÀÌ ¸§: corea, ÀÐÀ½: 3191, ÁÙ¼ö: 37

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(´ÙÀ½(ÇѸÞÀÏ)-Ä«Æä-COREA¸¸µé±â¸¦ ãÀ¸¼¼¿ä)

[Çѱ¹ÀÇ ¿µ¹®Ç¥±â°¡ Corea¿¡¼­ Korea·Î ¹Ù²î°Ô µÈ ÀÌÀ¯]

1905³â 9¿ù ÇÑÀÏ°£ÀÇ À»»çÁ¶¾à ü°áÁ÷ÀüÀÎ, µ¿³â 7¿ù¿¡ ¹ÌÀ°±º¼º Àå°üÀÎ ÅÂÇÁÆ®¿Í ÀϺ» ¿Ü¹«´ë½Å Ä«¾²¶ó »çÀÌ¿¡ ¼ÒÀ§ ÅÂÇÁÆ®-Ä«¾²¶ó ¹Ð¾àÀÌ Ã¼°áµÇ¾ú´Ù.
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¡¸The Reason for the Change of Corea into Korea in English Expression¡¹
In July, 1905, just prior to the concluding of the "Protectorate Treaty" of September, 1905 between Korea and Japan, the so-called "Taft-Katsura Secret Agreement" was signed by Taft, Secretary of the Army of America, and Katsura, Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs.
In this Agreement, America was prone to acquiesce in Japanese domination of Korea as a quid pro quo for Japan's recognition of America's hegemony over the Philippines.
The English expression as "Corea" was deliberately changed into "Korea" by Katsura through this secret Agreement. Namely, Japan intended that the K in the word Korea be used so that Korea would be placed in a lower position than Japan since the "J" precedes in the English alphabet.

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